Online Quran Classes | What Is Qalqalah? Qalqalah Letters Explained

Qalqalah is a concept in Arabic phonology that refers to a slight bounce or echo effect given to certain consonant sounds under specific conditions. These consonant sounds are produced with a slight pause or "rebound" when pronounced in specific contexts. This effect is also known as "echo" or "reverberation." Online quran classes teach us a proper tajweed of the Quran. There are five Arabic letters that are considered Qalqalah letters: ق (qāf), ط (ṭāʾ), ب (bāʾ), ج (jīm), and د (dāl). These letters exhibit Qalqalah when they appear in specific positions within a word: Qalqalah Kubra (Major Echo) This occurs when one of the Qalqalah letters appears in the middle of a word or at the end of a word. When pronounced, there is a noticeable bounce or echo effect. It is a stronger effect compared to Qalqalah Sughra. Qalqalah Sughra (Minor Echo) This occurs when one of the Qalqalah letters appears at the end of a sentence or at the end of an isolated wor...